Monday, April 23, 2012

Japanese TATTOO Horimitsu style Started water with peony

coming up........Inkfest 2012 Copenhagen
( scythian tattooed mummy)

( Saga H.)

Off course Kunsten pa Kroppen will participate at the inkfest 2012 and perform a traditional scythian tattoo with different handmade techniques on the model Saga H.
Her photographer:

A long journey

The tattoo symbolizes the mans family history in the line of the forefathers. Irrespective of the actual timeline it is designed in the style of scandinavian carvings of the 10th century, beeing somewhat broadminded in taking in motives of other ages.

Concerning the family history, there are no evidences for the time before 1800, but the linguistic analysis of the last name suggests, that the man's ancestors originated from a hill in the southwestern region of today Germany, an area that was populated by the Alamanns during the Migration period.

Most likely the ancestors of the man where peasants, but that is just a guess, so the first character, the eponymous forebear, living on the hill – symbolized by the man's breast – could be a stock farmer, but also a butcher, a hunter or even a priest, making sacrifice - or just cutting the horns of an aurochs, as well.

The next figure symbolizes an armed man moving to (East-)Prussia, the region allegorised by the (post-medieval) prussian coat-of arms-eagle on the shoulder. To stay within the chosen iconographic context, the character is designed as an alamanic warrior.

In East-Prussia the documented part of the history begins: the oldest assured ancestor was a farmer and presbyter.

 One of his sons moved to Westfalen, pictured by the old symbol of that region in the western part of today Germany, the rampant horse, and became a metal worker, represented by the smith-figure. Two generations of metal workers followed him.

The bearer of the actual tattoo eventually choose a different profession and became an archivist. Translating this vocation into the chosen iconographic system, he choose the myth of Mimir and his well. The horn, beeing of importance in different ways to the bearer of the tattoo, completes the circuit.

 Allover view of a very complex design, an inkmark of a long journey, of being rooted in land and family, of following the ancient tradition of "carving the skin in memory of the forefathers" (notice double- spiral in the design, symbolizing the flow of life here)

Thanks for visiting me, wherever i was, for the nice sessions, nice food n drinks ;)

Japanese TATTOO Horimitsu style Dragon

Sunday, April 15, 2012

from: Alan Siegrist
date: Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 11:52 PM
subject: Woman tree

Hi Tian, Hope you are still enjoying Austria.

Have you seen this tattoo?

The character is actually the Japanese katakana ホ (ho) not 木 (ki, tree). The mistaken use of ‘ho’ is quite unfortunate considering the woman as both subject and canvas. And yes, the hip-hop slang meaning of ‘ho’ (whore) is known in Japan and written with the same character.


on request, a classic ;)
Lake Femund (NO)

sacrificial bog (in use)    (DK)


Bedrohlich, der germanische Wald
Schon seit Urzeit finster und kalt
Voller Tropfen, Geheimnisse und Lichter
Verflochten, verwoben in tote Gesichter

Es rinnt der Schweiss, es rinnt der Regen
Alle Legionäre müssen alles geben
Hosenlos, auf römisch`Art
Verschmutzt, erschöpft, doch ohne Bart

Bis zu den Knien im Schlamm sie waten
Sich immer enger und enger scharen
Tiefe Furcht sich in ihre Kehlen schnürt
Ob dem, was ein jeder hier spürt

Er scheint zu leben, der beklemmende Wald
Durch den ob Nebel und Regen nun nichts mehr schallt
Da schlägt ein Ast, da glotzt ein Pilz
Im Moor, es greift nach dir und deine Seele will´s!

So sind die Soldaten durchfroren und ohne Kraft
Alles durchnässt, dreie das Moor weg gerafft
Doch: “Semper fidelis!” Immer treu, folgen sie Varus, ihrem Führer
Den seinerseits Armin, der Cherusker führt

Plötzlich des Waldes nagendes Angstgefühl
Wandelt sich in Menschengewühl
Als der Cherusker einen Pfiff ertönen lässt
Und die Legionen stachen in ein Wespennest

Aus dem Schlamm, den Blättern auf Boden  und Bäumen
Plötzlich unendlich Germanen schäumen
Ein Schrei wie von tausend Bären ertönt
Der der zu Tode erschöpften Römer Ängste nur nährt

Und schon, vom Schwerte ergraben der Blutstrom fliesst
Sich in tosendem Lärmen zu Boden ergiesst
Russgeschwärzt Germani alle
Bringen, getarnt hervorgestürmt den Tross zu Falle

Pfeile und Speere von Bäumen und Hügeln regnen
Als die Reihen der Römer behende sich ebnen
Doch auch schwarze Gesichter gehen nach Walhall
Und Blut und Schmerz ist allüberall

Es regnet Köpfe und Arme und Hände
Blutrot ist des Waldes Moor am Ende
Und zerrissenene Münder und Augen
Im Tode verzerrt aus der Erde nun schauen

Bis zur dritten Nacht zieht sich das Grauen
Im Lichte der Fackeln sieht man die Frauen
Wie sie berauben die Römer, finden den Mann
Weinend den Liebsten erkannt, der nicht entrann

Kaum zieht der Morgennebel seine Bahn
So sind schon Wolf und Aar heran
Letzen sich am unendlich geflossenen Strom
Totes Fleisch nun ihre Gier belohnt

Durch die Haufen zerfetzter Leiber
Wühlen schmatzend sich Reiter
Auf Bahren tote Cherusker ziehend
Waffenvertrieben die Gierigen fliehen

So werden die Gefallenen aufgeschichtet
Und durch Flammen nass schwelenden Holzes vernichtet
Nur die Römer bleiben, genagelt an Bäume im Blutmoor zurück
Auf Altären geopfert, Stück für Stück

Ihre Schädel und Waffen Wotan dargebracht
Im heiligen Haine, im Schutze der Nacht
Noch lange rauchen die Seelenfeuer
Durch die sich die Seele erneuert

Und weit in Walhalla droben
Noch lang´die Cherusker sich lobten
Wie brav sie die Römer erzogen!

(The poem is inspired by a battle called clades variana, one of the most desastrous events in roman military records, the romans got terribly defeatet by germanic tribes, check out the historical background:  )

Another interview.......

From the Tattoo Convention Berlin, an interview after a happy day in my life........

Monday, April 9, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen - Pls note that June 16 2012 will be the last day of Immortal Tattoos, Singapore -I will be away for sometime (God knows how long) and I will be shifting to a new studio which I had dreamed of for the past 6 years...

With this said, I thank each and every client of mine who got inked by me and there will be a farewell party held with those who are 6
66% SURE who will support me and my works .... The end of Immortal Tattoos but the beginning of a new era in the Tattoo Industry for myself....

Free Flow (Housepour and Tiger beer) cum 10cmX10cm Tattoo for just $100 !! - My beautiful Sinners, this is the ONLY time, I am asking for your help..So Why Wait?

Farewell Party Date is YET TO BE CONFIRMED. ( Most Likely in the FIRST WEEK of JUNE 2012 )

Grumpy animals

I like grumpy animals, they just look great in the norse ornaments :)

Le Peuple d`Annwvyn

 Traditional celtic music from switzerland:

The thugness of Viking-reenactors is truly amazing sometimes!!!!! These guys took a 20 hour ride from switzerland just to get some ink-torture, got drunk in Copenhagen and rode back.....respect!!!!!!!!

Black is beautiful

.......still work in progress, but I have to show it!!!!!!!!!! It´s a complete freehand design, we work with machine now, but parts of it are tapped to give it the genuine feeling at least.........
Thanx for coming so regularly and for many nice sessions :)


If you were worried.........don´t be, we will continue to publish some girls from time. An amazing set by Christina again, don´t miss her blog! :

Guess, I don´t have to mention who did the tattoo :)

Thanks again to the models for coming to the shoots and for a magnificent session at Charlottes Studio, also a big THANK YOU to you, Charlotte, for letting us work at your place!!!!!!!

...and off course my deepest gratefulness to my favourite photographer ;)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Japanese TATTOO Horimitsu style information

Hello fans,friends and customers. Please wait a while to update blog. desighn change now. Please wait a while. I'll back soon!!