Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lebanese Tattoo by Moe Barjawi

Alan spotted this photo of what appears to be Kanji tattoo by Moe Barjawi in BMEzine's gallery:

Alan emailed me this after seeing it:

Let me see if I got this right. Some tattooist named “Moe” tattoos himself with his name in the “Gibberish Font” and, thinking this will be good advertising for his tattoo shop named “Lebanese Tattoo,” posts a picture of it on… They never learn, do they?

What is even more astonishing is that someone has evidently tried to “improve” the original horrible calligraphy (especially on the partial 辶). Did they really think that bad calligraphy was the only problem? The mind boggles.

What is even more entertaining is definition for the term "Lebanese tattoo" in is the following:

A badly drawn tattoo, done at a 'professional' tattoo studio. The term first surfaced on the facebook group 'Actually, I think your tattoo is hideous'.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Vine Tattoo Leg

The ever increasing trend now, seems to be catching on. Without a doubt, limits are pushed to move this "styled" tattoo in bigger scales than what it was, originally.

Due to the increasing popularity of this tattoo, I will control the number of people getting it done, so as to, it will not become too common in time to come. Therefore, I will push the limits even further by doing various variations in accordance to this style !!

I guess I owe the "Lovely Ms.Kim" a kiss, for the inspiration tothe many out there!! Woo hoo !!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Violin's Tattoo

Due to the recent popularity, ( Which was done on the 2nd Event of Immortal Nite @ Chillies) I had a request from my friend Violin, to do something similar on a bigger scale.

Enoy it !!

Monday, September 15, 2008


My dear boys and girls. I truly apologize for the extremely long hiatus.

Over the past month, lots have been going on personally and it somewhat did affect me in lots of ways and it took my mind off completely in giving you guys out there what you need.

I am taking a break from life and looking for a fresh start but business still resumes as usual at Immortal Tattoos, Singapore.

Love ya all !!

I understood one thing -

Life is the strongest drug ; you will never know what kind of trip you are getting yourself into. Just like every other drug, to Life, there are side effects. - The Memories. - Kugan of Immortal Tattoos, Singapore !!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Name-dropping in American Philosophical Society's Publication

Reader Bryan points me to the latest issue of American Philosophical Society's publication, where this humble little site was mentioned on page 54.

The main article is titled "How Maya Hieroglyphs Got Their Name: Egypt, Mexico, and China in Western Grammatology since the Fifteenth Century" by Byron Ellsworth Hamann from
Department of Anthropology and Department of History, The University of Chicago.

The illustration shown above had this caption:

Car ornamentation with “Chinese” characters, photographed in Almería, Spain, in August 2006. The third character from the left is dao (“way” or “path”); the rest are nonsensical (or, as James Mathien put it, “Fakenese”). Mayanists might refer to these as “pseudo-glyphs.” Photograph by the author [Hamann].

The article is sixty-eight pages long, so be patient or get a few liters of beer in you before proceeding.