Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Immortal Tattoos, Tattoo

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you.....

What more can I say about my friend, Terence, getting my Studio's name tattooed? Immortal Tattoos being Immortalized !!

To the haters who post comments on some forum about my art-work and work hygiene, why not come face to face and tell me about it? Are you too scared? I am calling you out... Come out, come out, wherever you are....Fucking Faggot !

I am not running away. I am coming out openly. You haters are the ones, hiding in a lonely place. So, lets not waste each others time. My studio's address is on the right hand column. So do drop by and tell me FACE to FACE, how much you hate it or how much I suck at what I do. See ya soon ! Well, maybe I won't.
- You guys probably hiding under your mummy's skirt... Oh well...

Until next time folks... Love ya all !!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Om Buddha

Some random work done of an OM with face of Buddha inside...


Its been a long time since I updated anything in here... My apologies to the loyal readers !! I have been very busy lately and never had any time to upload...

Wishing you all a belated Happy New Year !! Singapore's First Tattoo Convention was great and I will be uploading new works and pictures soon.

Hang in there boys and gals !!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Singapore Tattoo Convention

(Uploaded on April 15) Here are the pictures from the Singapore Tattoo Convention 2009 !! Finally huh? Hahaha !!

Please note that this was back in January 2009. Lots of things have changed since then. For now, I will keep it under suspense until I update you guys on my Blood, Sex & Ink Tour

Chris Garver from Miami Ink

Bob Tyrrell - The Legend !!

Bob and I, Checking out some machines..

Cecilia came to touch up her tattoo before going to the convention... VAIN !!

Paul Booth !! Holding my artwork to him.. Wasssup !!

Shane and I

Daphne and I ( Some asshole will try to steal this picture too )

Cecilia trying to pose with Carlston, but I guess its not working... Haha !!

Thats all Folks !!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Your Body is a Playground @ Zirca
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Special Performances include:
Body suspensions, ritual, blood play by
Roland, VISAVAJARA, Freiburg,
Shane, Galaxy Tattoos, Ink Tank Zurich.
Susan, Ink Tank, Zurich
Wellie, Welie Piercing, Fribourg

What better way to start of Chastity : Artistry of Unsound Minds ? Party !!

Shane on the suspension

Shane and Roland

Carlston and me !!

Jocelyn with the Jug.. Ooops !!

Alex checking on me if I have fever..Haha !!

You don't wanna know what was caught few seconds before this !!

I love you Carlston !!

Daphne Ang - Covermodel of FLASHInk Magazine

Lauren and Moi !

Edmund going wild !

Justin - The quiet boy...

Alex Flashing !!

I have no idea what happened..!!

Here we go again.

Thanks Bea for the pictures !! We partied on through the night, going home wasted as usual. This might explain why there hasn't been much updates... Haha !!

Friday, January 2, 2009

from: Ben O.
to: Tian
date: Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 8:32 PM
subject: Please tell me my friend's tattoo means "understand"

Hi Tian,

I hope you don't mind me asking, but my friend just got this tattoo and says it means "listen/understand". I've seen enough of Hanzi Smatter to cringe even before I know how bad it is. What's the verdict?

Ben O.

We don't really want to beat up on this lovely lady and her cute tattoo too much, but the fact is that the character by itself probably does not mean quite what she thinks it does.

First, we have to decide whether the tattoo is supposed to be in Chinese or Japanese.

If it is supposed to be Chinese, a single character is fine, but the Chinese meaning of the character is more like "to bear, to carry" or "to undertake" or "to receive." But none of these meanings is even close to the intended meaning of "listen/understand."

If it is supposed to be Japanese, the single character does not have much meaning, but rather if it is supposed to be a verb, it must be written with two characters: 承る. Now this verb has various meanings and some of them are somewhat close to "listen" or "understand," but mostly the word is used as a very humble and polite way to agree with the other person in a conversation, so one might say 承ります when one means "I hear you" or "I understand your point." It is really nothing like "listen."

We guess this is the only way we could stretch the meaning of to something like "hear" or "understand" but we don't think is really what they meant and even that is a stretch because the verb marker is missing from 承る.

So unfortunately, this is a case of "close but no cigar."

Ben, give our best regards and sincere commiseration to the unfortunately tattooed friend.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

from: Tomas
date: Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 1:08 PM
subject: hanzi smatter

Hello, Thought I should send this contribution to your (awesome) blog. Found it on a Swedish community site, the proud owner of the tattoo claims that it says "GUN" (a Swedish female given name, not the thing you use to shoot people). I'm not good enough at Chinese to figure it out, but it seems like complete nonsense to me...

Since I was busy converting my DVD collection for Argosy HV358T-00500 HDD media player, I let Alan to take a crack at it:

Hah! How on earth is supposed to be GUN? Is there yet another bogus "Chinese alphabet" out there?

means more like "inside the giant mortar." (Here, the "mortar" is the thing you use together with a pestle to crush things like grain or medicine. It is not the weapon.)

The things that people decide to get tattooed onto their bodies never cease to amaze.