Wednesday, June 30, 2010


from: Kim B.
date: Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 8:43 AM
subject: Tattoo

Your blog is fascinating. I have attached a picture of the tattoo I have on my left shoulder blade.

I got it while in New Orleans and like the shape of it, I'm just not sure how it translates. When people ask, I usually tell them: Stupid American (although at the time I was told it means beautiful or beauty).

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Kim B.


If this character is intended to be "beauty", , then it is missing a horizontal stroke. However, the joke does not stop there.

Chinese character for sheep is , and what Kim B. has on her shoulder blade does indeed look like sheep with a little dropping.
from: mike h.
date: Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 11:28 AM


I have a similar story to those posted on your blog, my sister allowed a trainee to practise his 'art' after a day of indulgent partying and likewise has no idea what this 'disaster' means.

I really hope you can help.

Many thanks.


Whoever got this probably over-stretched a book on a copy machine. The characters size are inconsistent. My favorite part is the tattooist even included the period behind .

is Lotus Sutra.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

from: tim
date: Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 2:32 PM
subject: tattoo interpretation

A coworker of mine has a tattoo he got while he was out partying a couple a years ago and has absolutely no idea what it means. Can you tell us?




Why would anyone be proud of tattoo that says: "to commit any imaginable evil"?
from: john r.
date: Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 2:58 AM
subject: tattoo translation help please...

Hi There

I have enjoyed reading through your blog a few times and this weekend talking to my girlfriends sister, I felt need to ask you for help. She was showing me her tattoo, that she had a few years back which is supposed to be Heavenly Girl in Chinese. Having looked at the characters, I recognised the first as being the Japanese Kanji for Heaven, Im not sure it means the same in Hanzi or not, but I could not recognise the last two characters as anything related to girl or woman. Although I can recognise the first character as - (sky, heaven) and the last character which I think is - (government official, official), the middle character is awkward. I think it is - (leaf, block, cake), giving 天丁吏, which I don't know how this would work combined, but all these are Japanese translations anyway. Any chance you can shed a little more light on this?

Thanks very much for your time



It is 天使 or "angel" with 使 not clearly written.

Tatttoo Kanji - Kanji Tattoos

Tatttoo Kanji - Kanji Tattoos

Tatttoo Kanji - Kanji Tattoos

Thursday, June 17, 2010

from: Alexandria C.
date: Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:24 AM
subject: tattoo translation help please...

I heard about your blog from a friend and decided to check it out cause i am worried about a tattoo i have personally. It is supposed to mean " live for today" but i would really appriciate it if you could help in translating the picture of it attached. Thanks do much for your time!


Alan and I saw tattoo template of this for sale back in 2007:

生現 “Live For Today”

As is, this gibberish means nothing in Japanese or at least nothing like “live for today” and I don’t think it means anything in Chinese either. The only meaning I can guess is that if it were written 生きて現れる, this would mean “to show up alive” or “turn up alive” as if someone thought dead had appeared alive. Anyway, it sounds pretty spooky, like seeing a zombie!

I think the person who made this up just looked in a dictionary for the word for “to live” and a word that means something like “now” and thought you could stick them together to make “live for today.”

It doesn’t work like that.

Monday, June 14, 2010

One man Show

Due to some unforeseen circumstances, Immortal Tattoos (Singapore) will be now be solely ran by Diamond Fangs (Kugan). All agents or employees, working on behalf of Immortal Tattoos (Singapore), will no longer will be part of it. A law suit will be filed against canvases, models, and all other participating parties who did not fulfill assignments arranged by Immortal Tattoos (Singapore).

Reason of doing so is that I made some losses from Canvases and models came up with excuses and left with unfinished work to complete my event on time. Model ambassadors revealed trade secrets to 3rd party which jeopardizes my future projects.

From now on, as of June 14th 2010, all future or on going projects will be handle strictly by me, Diamond Fangs (Kugan).

All present and future models and canvases will ONLY interact directly with me...

Add me on MSN : or email for any questions.


Those canvases or models who got inked by me and came up with excuses, please be advised you were given more than enough time to settle whatever you have to.

I will publicly announce your names through any necessary media if you still fail to fulfill your assignments or settle your payments after receiving this message.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused but I think you ( irresponsible canvases and models) have caused more inconvenience.

Thank You.

Owner/Tattoo Artist
Immortal Tattoos (Singapore)

-Diamond Fangs-

Friday, June 11, 2010

DJ Affecta

Guess what Boys and Girls !! Diamond Fangs Inked DJ Affecta today !! For those of you who don't know who DJ Affecta is, check out or you can Google or search her on You Tube.

It was a blast to ink the Russian Playboy Playmate who is also a Topless DJ. Immortal Tattoos is reaching greater heights and we have more to show you and blow your mind away !!

Feast your eyes....


Monday, June 7, 2010

Heboh Tattoo Wanita Mirip Luna Maya

Teka-teki tatoo di tubuh wanita mirip Luna Maya dalam video mesum bersama pria mirip Ariel masih belum terungkap. Pihak Kent Tattoo Studio yang biasa membuatkan tato untuk para artis dan pernah didatangi Luna Maya, juga tidak bisa memastikan.

Salah seorang pegawai Kent Tattoo Studio, Emil (38) mengaku tidak bisa memberikan keterangan mengenai hal tersebut. Untuk kepastian jenis dan lokasi tato Luna Maya, kata dia, harus Kent langsung yang menerangkan.

"Kalau bos mungkin tahu, soalnya dia yang berhubungan langsung. Tapi kalau saya tidak tahu persis," kata Emil saat ditemui okezone di Kent Studio Tattoos Jalan Venus Timur X No 420 Kompleks Margahayu Raya Bandung, Minggu (6/6/2010) siang.

Emil sempat mengajak okezone melihat video rekaman seorang wanita yang sedang ditato. Dalam video, wanita itu terlihat membelakangi kamera. Seorang pria tampak melukis punggung wanita itu dengan tato motif. Sepintas, perawakannya mirip Luna Maya.

"Yang sedang ditato itu dilihat dari perawakannya Luna Maya. Tapi tatonya bukan di paha, tapi di punggung. Makanya, untuk lebih jelasnya, mending tanya bos (Kent)," kata Emil.

Sumber :

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Definisi dan Sejarah Tattoo

Kata “tato” berasal dari kata Tahitian / Tatu, yang memilki arti : menandakan sesuatu.
Rajah atau tato (Bahasa Inggris: tattoo) adalah suatu tanda yang dibuat dengan memasukkan pigmen ke dalam kulit.

Dalam istilah teknis, rajah adalah implantasi pigmen mikro. Rajah dapat dibuat terhadap kulit manusia atau hewan.

Rajah pada manusia adalah suatu bentuk modifikasi tubuh, sementara rajah pada hewan umumnya digunakan sebagai identifikasi.

Rajah merupakan praktek yang ditemukan hampir di semua tempat dengan fungsi sesuai dengan adat setempat. Rajah dahulu sering dipakai oleh kalangan suku-suku terasing di suatu wilayah di dunia sebagai penandaan wilayah, derajat, pangkat, bahkan menandakan kesehatan seseorang.

Rajah digunakan secara luas oleh orang-orang Polinesia, Filipina, Kalimantan, Afrika, Amerika Utara, Amerika Selatan, Mesoamerika, Eropa, Jepang, Kamboja, serta Tiongkok. Walaupun pada beberapa kalangan rajah dianggap tabu, seni rajah tetap menjadi sesuatu yang populer di dunia.

Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, tato berarti gambar (lukisan) pada bagian (anggota) tubuh.

Sumber :

Kapan seni merajah tubuh/ tato mulai ada?

Keberadaan merajah tubuh di dalam kebudayaan dunia sudah sangat lama ada dan dapat dijumpai di seluruh sudut dunia. Menurut sejarah, ternyata rajah tubuh sudah dilakukan sejak 3000 tahun SM (sebelum Masehi). Tato ditemukan untuk pertama kalinya pada sebuah mumi yang terdapat di Mesir. Dan konon hal itu dianggap yang menjadikan tato kemudian menyebar ke suku-suku di dunia, termasuk salah satunya suku Indian di Amerika Serikat dan Polinesia di Asia, lalu berkembang ke seluruh suku-suku dunia salah satunya suku Dayak di Kalimantan.

Tato dibuat sebagai suatu symbol atau penanda, dapat memberikan suatu kebanggaan tersendiri bagi si empunya dan simbol keberanian dari si pemilik tato. Sejak masa pertama tato dibuat juga memiliki tujuan demikian. Tato dipercaya sebagai simbol keberuntungan, status sosial, kecantikan, kedewasaan, dan harga diri.

Teknik Pembuatan Tato

Ada berbagai cara dalam pembuatan tato. Ada yang menggunakan tulang binatang sebagai jarum seperti yang dapat dijumpai pada orang-orang Eskimo, Suku Dayak dengan duri pohon jeruk, dan ada pula yang menggunakan tembaga panas untuk mencetak gambar naga di kulit seperti yang dapat ditemui di Cina. Bukannya tidak sakit dalam proses membuat tato. Sebenarnya rasa sakit pasti dialami ketika membuat tato di tubuh, namun karena nilai yang tinggi dari tato, dan harga diri yang didapatkan, maka rasa sakit itu tidak dianggap masalah.

Ada berbagai jenis dan ragam bentuk tato, tergantung dengan apa yang dipercaya oleh suku-suku bersangkutan, dan di setiap daerah umumnya memiliki persepsi yang berbeda-beda tentang tato, meski pada prinsipnya hampir sama.

Tato di Beberapa Daerah

Di Borneo (Kalimantan), penduduk asli wanita disana menganggap bahwa tato merupakan sebuah simbol yang menunjukkan keahlian khusus.

Di Cina, pada masa zaman Dinasti Ming (kurang lebih 350 tahun yang lalu), wanita dari Suku Drung membuat tato di wajah dan pantatnya untuk sebagai tanda bagi keturunan yang baik.

Di Indian, melukis tubuh/ body painting dan mengukir kulit, dilakukan untuk mempercantik (sebagai tujuan estetika) dan menunjukkan status sosial.

Suku Mentawai memandang tato sebagai suatu hal yang sakral dan berfungsi sebagai simbol keseimbangan alam.