Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Snake

Unlike in the Christian Mythology, the snake can be in an animistic context also a positive symbol.

This tattoo is based on the visions received in an Ayahuasca ritual.

A story from a North American first nation tribe, freely told from my memory, I heard it a long time ago:

In the beginning of all times the great spirits searched for someone, who could be the sun, so they called out to all beings and searched for  the sun.

The first, who came up, was the Buzzard and he thought:
“Ha, my feathers are the most beautiful, shining golden, I shall be the sun!”
So the great spirits let him fly high up in the sky and he performed the most amazing circles and did his very best to be the most beautiful light in the sky.
But after a while everyone got tired and stiff in the neck from watching the Buzzards show above them, so they ordered him down again and said, that it was not good, when the Buzzard was the sun.

Next was the raven and he thought:
“Ha, people always think, I am a dark character, bringer of bad luck, but I’ll show them, what I’m capable of!”
So he spread his wings and took off in the air, but whatever he did, he just looked like a small dark cloud in the sky.
So they ordered him down again and said, that it was not good, when the raven was the sun.

After him came  Coyote, he likes to play tricks and have everything under control so he thought:
“Ha, from up there I’ll have a perfect overview over everything and can play some nice tricks!”
But Coyote can’t fly, so he had to jump and after a while they were sick of protecting their head because Coyote was jumping around like crazy.
So they ordered him down again and said, that it was not good, when Coyote was the sun.

Then the snake came crawling up and she said, she wanted to be the sun.
And they said: “You, snake? But you’re crawling on the ground all day long, why do you want to be the sun?”
And snake said: “Because I dreamt about it.”

So she rolled herself to a spiral and when she unrolled, she stripped off a yellow part of her skin, which is the sunrise.

 Then she stripped off a white part of her skin, which is the midday.

After that she stripped off a red part of her skin, which is the sunset.

Finally she stripped off a black part off her skin, which is the night.

Everyone was satisfied and went to bed.
So it came, that the snake became the sun.

And Snake also shows us, how we as people should be, not like the Buzzard, always showing off and being vain.
Also not like the raven, desperately trying to be something that we just not are.
Not like Coyote either, being full of games and try to have everything under control.

The Snake teaches us a good way: live for your dreams and give your skin for the others.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Arti Simbol Tattoo Hewan - Binatang

Arti Simbol Tattoo HewanDalam dunia tattoo hewan mendominasi desain dan simbol tattoo. Desain tato hewan dan simbol hewan memiliki kekuatan yang luar biasa dan dimaksudkan untuk bertransformasi menjadi individu sehingga mereka mengambil beberapa aspek dari hewan tato pada mereka.

Hewan termasuk salah satu ciptaan Tuhan. Ketika manusia memilih keluar dari tatanan alam dan menempatkan diri di atas semua spesies lain. Namun demikian, masih percaya bahwa komunikasi dari hewan ke manusia masih ada dalam bentuk telepati psikis dan melalui roh.

Dalam beberapa budaya tradisional masih mempunyai kepercayaan bahwa semangat hewan dapat masuk pada saat kelahiran dan berfungsi sebagai panduan hidup orang itu. Sebuah panduan semangat mungkin muncul pada saat-saat kritis.

Alam menyediakan ratusan hewan dan masing-masing hewan membawa sifat-sifat tertentu. Dan di dunia tattoo simbol-simbol hewan paling banyak dipakai dan masing-masing memiliki artinya sendiri-sendiri serta tidak jarang untuk memilih sebuah simbol yang cocok untuk Anda akan merupakan sebuah pertimbangan penting sebelum Anda mentattoo diri Anda dengan sebuah gambar/simbol hewan.

Berikut beberapa contoh arti simbol tattoo hewan:

Arti simbol tattoo burung elang
Kejam dan megah, dengan jeritan mengerikan dan cakar elang yang kuat itu menjadi favorit di desain asli suku Amerika. Semangat elang adalah salah satu kebenaran, kesadaran, dan perceptiveness.

Arti simbol tattoo burung hantu
Burung hantu adalah favorit baik muda dan tua. Burung hantu adalah roh dari visi, kebijaksanaan dan wawasan.

Arti simbol tattoo burung gagak
Gagak melambangkan perjalanan yang tidak diketahui arah dan tujuannya. Gagak adalah tokoh sentral dalam mitos penciptaan.

Arti simbol tattoo kupu-kupu
Sebuah cara yang indah untuk menangkap kekuatan luar biasa dari perubahan pribadi. Energi kupu-kupu dikaitkan dengan keseimbangan, transformasi dan kasih karunia.

Arti simbol tattoo beruang
Beruang adalah kesaksian utama kekuatan, pelestarian diri dan kebijaksanaan.

Arti simbol tattoo serigala
Serigala sering muncul dalam desain tato karena daya tarik magnet untuk kemanusiaan, serigala merupakan keterampilan mengajar, loyalitas dan kerjasama.

Arti simbol tattoo coyote
Sering disebut sebagai "Trickster", makhluk nakal berfungsi sebagai roh (dalam arti lelucon lucu) lucu. Coyote berbicara tentang pembalikan keberuntungan (untuk lebih baik atau buruk), licik dan humor.

Arti simbol tattoo rubah
Rubah telah disebut metafora dan simile banyak hewan. Tidak mengherankan, pesan rubah adalah salah satu kepandaian, kebijaksanaan, dan licik.

Arti simbol tattoo anjing
Pendamping (teman terbaik manusia), anjing telah terikat dengan manusia. Sesuai dengan sifatnya, semangat anjing adalah salah satu dari kesetiaan dan persahabatan.

Arti simbol tattoo cougar
Cougar berbicara tentang kepemimpinan, loyalitas & keberanian.

Arti simbol tattoo rusa
Tenang, damai, indah dan anggun. Semangat rusa adalah salah satu dari damai, kepekaan dan kelembutan.

Arti simbol tattoo kuda
Semangat bebas dari kekuatan besar dan kekuatan yang memilih untuk menyelaraskan diri dengan kemanusiaan. Tattoo kuda berbicara tentang kebebasan, kekuatan dan gerakan dan berbicara kekuasaan dan pangkat sosial.

Arti simbol tattoo Penyu
Mampu untuk menghindari dunia dengan kenyamanan cangkangnya, ada banyak orang yang mengidentifikasi dengan baik dengan makhluk air. Semangat penyu adalah salah satu perlindungan, penyembuhan dan pengetahuan batin.

Arti simbol tattoo katak
Mampu untuk menutupi jarak yang luar biasa dalam setiap lompatan. Katak telah lama dihormati untuk kekuatan penyembuhannya, sebagai indikasi perubahan damai dan sebagai kesaksian adaptasi.

Arti simbol tattoo lumba-lumba
Sebuah mamalia laut, lumba-lumba telah lama terpesona dengan kecerdasan manusia dan alam sosial. Merupakan pertanda keselarasan, komunikasi dan intelijen.

Arti simbol tattoo Salmon
Selalu berjuang melawan arus, salmon telah lama menjadi simbol dari tekad. Hal yang sama berlaku alam totem binatang, yang menceritakan tentang ketekunan dan dedikasi berpikiran tunggal.

Arti simbol tattoo burung bangau
Amerika Utara tradisi asli memegang bangau biru sebagai utusan yang mengajarkan tentang penentuan nasib sendiri dan kemandirian. Kaki kurus mengingatkan kita bahwa kaki atletik tidak diperlukan untuk stabilitas, tapi itu berdiri di sendiri 'adalah kunci. Bangsa Iroquois diperlakukan bangau biru sebagai pertanda sangat baik.

Arti simbol tattoo buaya
Buaya adalah simbol kuat siluman, kesabaran, dan 'bahaya tersembunyi'. Menonjol, mata ditarik seperti teropong, beristirahat di atas permukaan air, sementara sebagian besar reptil ini tetap terlihat di bawah air.

Arti simbol tattoo berang-berang
Penduduk asli Amerika telah lama mengagumi berang-berang sebagai pelindung kuat dari keluarga. Berang-berang juga merupakan simbol kuat kedokteran wanita dan energi perempuan.

Arti simbol tattoo ikan paus
Budaya asli Amerika telah menekankan pentingnya hubungan dengan 'Roh Agung ". Semua bentuk kehidupan - dari ikan paus untuk disebut bebatuan, tanaman, planet, dan elemen - diyakini dipenuhi dengan energi.

After the Initiation

An 18- year old viking girl from one of the south swedish first nations right after receiving her first tattoo.

I support a strict 18+ tattoo- regulation, in times where rites of passage lost their meaning, this is one of the very few left, a point in life, where one clearly understands, that there s no way back and you passed an important point in life that should be marked, even if ist s just the driving license, to be able to buy legally alcohol and smokes or the official end of the parents influence.
(And - Yes!...... Vikings smoke and drive cars in the 21. century, even if you don´t belive it!)

Vinland warrior

Sometimes you´ll meet people that make you spontaneously decide to be very friendly when you´re not heavier armed........

True norvegian spirit

 Right after a very strong session, that more had the feeling of an ancient ritual (Thanx for stretching, Sabine and David!)
 The strange figures on the arm depict very old rock carvings of shamans from the place where he was born.

Some people say, I don`t know what I´m doing, hehe........

This design shows, how strong the vikings are attached to the artefacts, the belt fittings are 1:1 replicas from original findings.
Especially here you can see that the habit of having the same style in carvings, jewelry, embroidery and tattoos, like you can still find in ancient cultures with an unbroken tattoo tradition, is still alive in northern europe. (handpoked design)

The gudvangen worx....

It s just some very nice experience to do pieces like this in the places, where the norsemen nearly 1000 years ago developed this style, gives something special to it....

Gudvangen works!

A piece, done a while ago by hand, showing the Urnes - stavechurch- sidepanel to every detail, "the real deal".

Stuff, that makes viking girls happy.....

Drawn on and designed freehand, poked by hand in the fjordlands of western Norway, home of the Urnes-style.

The Gudvangen works

 The design we ´re tapping here is the same like the embroidery on the back of the "victims" shirt wich is the logo of his company, designed by the man himself  in the old swedish urnes style (thanks for stretching, Yngvil :-)
You think, this is a beautiful place? It s even more beautiful than any picture can tell........
One of these moments at the viking festival in Jork......

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My father has forwarded me this news story about hilarious mistranslated signs used by Royal Caribbean Cruise Line. It appears Royal Caribbean Cruise Line did not verify the Chinese translation's accuracy and blindly trusted Google Translate.

Luckily paper signs can be reprinted, unlike tattoos.

Corned Beef Hash => "salted beef jumbled signal"

Ham and Bamboo Shoot Salad => "clumsy actor and bamboo's salad"

Garden Greens => "[botanical] garden became green color"

Chicken and Mushroom tart => "timid and rapidly grown prostitute(s)"

Regular Milk => "policy milk"
Half & Half => "secondary butter blended mixture"

Green Split Pea Soup => "green separation pea soup"

English Bacon => "English [language] cultivate root"

* Update: several readers have informed me that 培根 is an acceptable transliteration for "bacon" in Taiwan. However, the sign is still incorrect for using "English [language]", instead of "English [cuisine style]".

Creamy Italian Dressing = "butter Italy costume"

Original Story:
中式英文令人啼笑皆非 美国人英译中菜单更搞笑(图)

Language Log:
Timid and Rapidly Grown Prostitutes

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Butterfly effect X (girl of the month July)

If you want to see more, visit

Ormkvinna / Pachamama / "the great goddess"

 Picture Stones from Gotland, created in the migration period / vendel age, the red coloured stone shows the so called "Ormkvinna", a very famous stone in the northern world.
 Artefacts with female figures in a "frog-position" are found all over the world from different periods.
Here we see "Pachamama" the south american-first nation Equivalent, still worshipped by the tribes there.
This photo is taken by Christina depicts the great goddess in her dual appaerance as the source of  life- giving and receiving it............