Friday, January 28, 2011

Vær på FACEBOOK med os!

For those of you who enjoy complete transparency and sharing everything with everyone:
Become our "friend" on FACEBOOK.

Klick on it and you´ll be there!!/pages/Kunsten-Pa-Kroppen/181540461869374

Interview in the Nordic Tattoo Magazine 12/2010

Everything you (never) wanted to know about swedish, hehe.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The everlasting struggle: Thor`s Hammer combined with Thor´s Arch Enemy. The Midgard snake.
(designed by Marcus)
Design based on african pottery ornaments.

A mixture of Urnes and Mammen style, including the Algizhjelmet and a sun symbol.
The runes are a self written poem.
A highly pleasurable way to earn the daily bread........

(the mask on the forearm is not my work!)

Archangel Michael

The Archangel Michael (often depicted casting Satan out of heaven)
He is the patron saint of the warriors and guardian of the souls of the dead.
His Name in Hebrew means: "Who is like god?"

Picture taken after the second session, parts of the legs and armor is already healed.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

York-most haunted city

 Open coffins next to the road in York, a city with a long history tight connected to the vikings........

 .....Everywhere you go, grotesque faces are staring at you,York(England) is considered to be the most haunted city, it`s truly amazing to walk in the dark, misty nights through the streets of York in February.....
 Its a matter of taste, but I think, churches and monasterys develop their final beauty as ruins ;)
York (GB)

Friday, January 14, 2011

from: Morgan D.
date: Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 2:51 PM
subject: Help with tatoo translation


I was reading your blog- I love it! My father got this tattoo and he wont tell anyone what it means. Its been rumored to mean "man with many blessings" or "man with a big stick." Can you tell me what it really means?

Thank you so much!!!


The characters &mean "eternal" and "rock/stone". Of course, the tattooed phrase is non-sense. However, it is very likely the person got this wanted to "rock forever" if he was into the music scene, or "[to be] stone forever" as a junkie. As many modern day rockstars are both.

永石 could also be Japanese names for えいせき (Eiseki), ながいし (Nagaishi), or よんそく (Yonsoku).

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"The sabbatic Goat" by Christina

"Baphomet" by Eliphas Levi 1854
(source: Wikipedia) 

"Ich bin der Geist, der stets verneint
Denn alles, was entsteht
Ist wert, das es zugrunde geht
Drum besser wär´s, das nichts entstünde
So ist denn alles, was ihr Sünde
Zerstörung, kurz-das Böse-nennt
Mein eigentliches Element
Ich bin ein Teil des Teils, der Anfangs Alles war
Ein Teil der Finsternis, die sich das Licht gebar."

What Mephistopheles says, introducing himself to Dr. Heinrich Faustus
By Goethe 1808
The historic person Faust, one of my suspected ancestors, was living ca 1480-1538.

"Wotan"by Christina

 Wotan or Odin, here depicted as the eternal wanderer by Georg von Rosen 1886, the god of war and poetry, guess, I don`t have to say much, who knows, shuts up anyway.............

The background is close to the place where i was born, in the area you can find old sacrifice places dedicated to Wotan.

"Cernunnos" by Christina

 Cernunnos "the lord of nature" here depicted with clearly shamanic features at the Gundestup Chauldron (source: Wikipedia)

 With the original items.......
 ....and depicted with the "Great Goddess".....
....the beauty and the beast.......

One of my favourite Armpieces I did back in Germany,still working at Living Art, Pictures by Christina

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Japanese TATTOO Horimitsu Style インフォメーション Information


平成貳参年壱月 January 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

from: Emma L.
date: Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 12:23 PM
subject: Chinese Tattoo?

My friend's boyfriend had this tattoo done with another friend whilst on holiday in Turkey. It was supposed to be his grandmother's name, but not only did the tattooist get his and his friend's tattoos mixed up, the lettering seems to be reflected as well. Would you be able to tell me what this actually means? Thanks, Emma x

1. Tattoo is based on gibberish font
2. All characters are mirrored